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Supporting your business’s growth with our analytics


Grow your customer base and build customer loyalty

Understand and address your customers’ unmet needs

Increase your products’ market share

By understanding your business and challenges, OSG can help your business grow. We help put you in touch with the right opportunities and organizations for the growth of your market share and brand presence. From supplying and installing to purchasing and training, we help in all aspects of understanding B2Bs and how they do business. Our technology solutions can help make your supply chain management, product development, and operations and maintenance departments more efficient.

Ready to start? Talk to an expert today.

Case Study

Supplying tech to businesses efficiently

Providing technology to pharmacies, our client wanted to better understand the market with regards to their new pharmacy contamination system. By analyzing the field of their competitors, and surveying potential and current customers, we found that they had a high likelihood of their new product meeting current and future unmet needs in key market and customer groups.

B2B with OSG: Key Benefits

Streamline your supply chain architecture

Source materials from suppliers that will help you improve your bottom line and improve brand perception in terms of sustainability. We’ll help you find the right markets for your products to increase your brand’s reach.

Know how you stack up against your competitors

Get a snapshot of the market landscape of how your products stack up to those of your competitors. Using this data, you can make better decisions about how to position your competitive advantage.

Develop optimal pricing and marketing strategies

Test and plan aggressive strategies for pricing and messaging your products to the businesses you supply. Discover what strategies work best by using our proprietary choice-based methodology ASEMAP™.

In the B2B sector, understanding and tracking customer needs is everything.

From digesting all sources of structured and unstructured data to our big-data visualization engine, we have the tools you need for understanding and tracking huge amounts of data over time.

Want to grow your company the intelligent way? We can help.

Contact our team today to understand how OSG’s technology and analytics can work for your business today.