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Improving patient health and wellness outcomes


Reduce healthcare costs by engaging patients in their care

Strategize new drugs and devices for the marketplace

Proactive healthcare for better outcomes

We deliver results that impact bottom-line performance and business success. Our experts work with all players in the healthcare journey, from providers of pharmaceuticals and medical devices to payers and healthcare providers, to improve patient health and wellness outcomes across the board.

9 out of 10
We work with nine of the ten largest pharmaceutical companies in the world.

Ready to start? Talk to an expert today.

Case Study

Message Testing for Key Healthcare Stakeholders

Working with a global pharmaceutical company, we helped them understand what marketing and advertising statements made the most sense for their products, to keep their current customers and attract new ones.

In the end, for a key product, we found that using targeted messaging would help attract new audiences without losing any current or loyal ones, helping them expand their product’s reach.

Pharma & Healthcare with OSG: Key Benefits

Improve patient experience and outcomes

Understand patient and customer needs to prioritize which to address with current offerings and new product development.

Digest all sources of healthcare data

By bringing together wearable tech, patient personal device, EHR, and physician data, you can see all relevant data at once.

Combine patient, provider, and payer perspectives

Test messaging strategy and identify the key messages that will change behaviors and best resonate with your target audience.

In pharma, engaging patients and physicians in your processes is vital.

With our experience in pharma, we know that gathering data from all relevant sources is key to developing effective and safe products for your business.

Want to grow your company the intelligent way? We can help.

Contact our team today to understand how OSG’s technology and analytics can work for your business today.